1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
    1. Mesh
      1. Parts
      2. Properties
      3. Attributes
      4. Query
      5. Statistics
  3. Import
    1. STL
    2. PLY
    3. OBJ
  4. Visualization
    1. Options
    2. Controls
  5. Mesh manipulation
    1. Basic Geometries
    2. Parametric Geometric Objects
    3. Explicit Structured Grid
    4. Structured Surface
    5. Triangulated Surface
    6. Platonic Solids
    7. Point Cloud
  6. Mesh filtering
    1. Boolean Operations
    2. Extract Cell Centers
    3. Clipping with a Surface, plane and boxes
    4. Collision Detection
    5. Volumetric Analysis
    6. Find and label connected regions
    7. Decimate a mesh
    8. Extract Edges
    9. Extract Surface
    10. Gaussian Smoothing
    11. Geodesic Paths
    12. Interpolating
    13. Computing Mesh Quality
    14. Resampling
    15. Surface Smoothing
    16. Surface Reconstruction
    17. Voxelize a Surface Mesh
    18. Subdivide Cells
  7. Geometric quantities
    1. Laplacian smoothing
    2. Gaussian Curvature
    3. Gradient
  8. Ray tracing
    1. Ray Casting
    2. Ray Tracing
  9. Visualize the Moeller-Trumbore Algorithm
  10. Tesselate
  11. Auxiliary Tools and Structures
    1. KDTree
    2. BSP Tree
  12. Contributing
  13. License